TTRPG - Tabletop Role-Playing Game
DND 5E - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition (the current version of Dungeons and Dragons)
One Shot - A game limited to one session to be concluded, fast and fun
Campaign - A game that spans over a long period of time with a deep story
Session Zero - The first meeting of the players and the GM to set and build the world, go over rules, and set expectations
Module - A published adventure
Homebrew - An item/campaign/character created by the GM
Sandbox - An open world setting where PCs have free range to explore and dictate the story
Dungeon Crawl - Stereotypical DnD setting where PCs travel through a dungeon avoiding traps and fighting
GM - Game Master
PC - Player Character (character you control)
NPC - Non-Player Character (characters controlled by the gm)
BBEG - Big Bad Evil Guy - main protagonist (think final boss fight or big baddie)
Tank - A player that can withstand high levels of damage without being at risk of dying
Murder Hobo(s) - Player(s) who is intent on killing/stealing every opportunity they get
Rules Lawyer - Someone with in-depth knowledge of the rules
AC - Armor Class, a difficulty level of landing and attack
HP - Hit Points, how much health your PC has
Initiative - The order characters take turns in, based off of rolling (usually for combat scenarios)
Alignment - Player's tendency toward good/neutral/evil
Stat - An ability score i.e. strength, dexterity, or intelligence
Min-Maxing - A PC that is very weak in some fields, and OP (Over Powered) in others
Dump-Stat - A stat that is not important to your character (Wisdom for a brute-type)
Dis/Advantage - Rolling 2X d20 and taking the lower or higher number rolled
Critical Success - a natural 20 roll on a d20 for the best possible outcome
Dirty 20 vs Nat 20 - Rolling a 20 on a d20 with adding modifiers vs rolling a 20 straight up
Critical Failure - a natural 1 roll on a d20 for the worst possible outcome
Buff - Positive enhancement to a pc's abilities or stats
Debuff(Nerf) - Negative enhancement to a pc's abilities or stats
Encounter - A situation where the party must use resources or time to find the next step, fight the baddies, or solve a puzzle
Attack of Opportunity - Offered at times where a character attempts to leave melee range of another character
Roll to Hit - Rolling a d20 to attempt to roll higher than the opponents AC to land a blow
Roll a __ Check - Rolling a d20, plus your ability modifier, to attempt to do or see something
Meta-Gaming - A PC in-game, using information or knowledge that the actual owning player obtained out of game
TPK - Total Party Kill, when there is a party-wipe and all PCs have perished
RAW - Rules as Written, as referenced in the Player's Handbook - PHB - (rule book)
RAI - Rules as Intended, a common sense application to some rules
Rule of Cool - Allowing something because it's cool and we all want to see the outcome
Railroading - When the GM steers the PCs along a path with little choice
Dice Jail - If one of your die are rolling poorly, players often 'punish' their die by not using it and putting it in jail
d20 - A 20 sided die, the most commonly used for attack rolls and ability rolls
d100 - A 100 sided die
d12 - A 12 sided die
d10 - A 10 sided die
d8 - An 8 sided die
d6 - A standard 6 sided die
d4 - A 4 sided die
d3 - A 3 sided die
d2 - A 2 sided die (think coin)
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